Go to Dec 2018

The year 2016 started off with the birth of Jonah.

Birth of Newborn 13 January 2016 Click here. We all just love this photo. I wish I could say I took it, but alas, I did not.

26 Apr. At St Martha's. I forget the event, but I captured this photo of Joshua and I love his look in that photo.

First communion for Katryna For full pictures of the event, click here

8 May 2016, The two with Joshua and Katryna are Gaving and Jasmine.

16 May. St Martha's had a track and field day. Joshua always does well. This year he would have been in the finals but when it started a teacher told him a lane and it ended up being the wrong lane. So they disqualified him...What I like about this picture is Joshua's stride and his sister supporting him from the sidelines.

12 July was Joshua's 11th birthday. Kathryn brought him paintball and glow golf with his friends then he came home to celebrate with everyone and his friends.

Before the Color Run to see the complete ppictures of the color run, click here

This is after...

Here is the NEW MANAGER of JUSTICE Kingston Store

1 September, Kathryn had put Katryna into baseball camp. Joshua did not want to attend. He was in Brighton.

October - Halloween

Joshua with his friend Morgan

I think this is Supergirl...

December 2016.

Katryna telling everyone what the capital of the provinces are and she is doing it with no prompting from Kathryn. Kathryn does a great job doing homework with both Katryna and Joshua. Thankfully she is a good parent-hard when you do not have a reliable partner.

April 2017...CLick here to see Jonah's first haircut

Joshua's Birthday celebrations: click here

September 28...Katryna's 9th birthday celebrations at the Ambassador Hotel (yes we know it is only on the 4th of October, but this is an early party. Click here


2018 Joshua got a birthday wish from his best friend Morgan Davies who moved from Kingston back to England.

2018 Joshua makes the Kingston United Soccer Team for Kingston for the under 13 age group.

In July 2018, Kathryn had a show at JUSTICE and Katryna was one of the stars

On the weekend of 7-8-9 Dec, we had Katryna and mom (grandma) came up with a neat idea. She put papers in a cookie jar which read things like, "play cards for 1 hr", "read", buy scratch tickets, bake cookies, do homework, go for a walk....well, you get the idea.

Grandma helped her bake

These are her cookies that she made herself


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